Monday 24 June 2013

Try this Tips for a Flawless and Acne Free Face

A healthy life style and skin care routine reflects your skin. You should keep your skin clean to avoid problems such as pimples and blackheads. Beautiful soft, smooth and glowing doesn’t come with expensive products or salon treatments. Here are some tips to achieve a flawless face
  1. Start a daily face-washing routine, in the morning and at night. Consistency is an important part of maintaining a healthy complexion, so make sure you're doing these things every morning and night.
  2. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Avoid scrubbing too hard or using rough washcloths or loofahs. These may irritate your skin and cause blemishes to stay on your face longer.
    • Moisturize. If you tend to have oily skin, save the heavy moisturizer for nighttime and use a light or gel formula in the morning. Moisturize every time you wash your face, shave, or simply need the extra moisture.
    • Remove your makeup every night. It can be hard to do this if you're very tired, but it pays off. Pick up makeup removal wipes at the drug store and rely on them when you're too exhausted to do the whole routine.
    Read More after the cut
  3. Don't pick your pimples. It's usually not a good idea to pick your pimples. It may be tempting if that blackhead has staring you in the face for a day or two, but it's really not worth it. Picking your pimples can have adverse effects on your skin.
  4. Only use fresh makeup and brushes. Makeup, like food, gathers bacteria and will eventually go bad. If you've been using the same powders, blush, eyeshadow and mascara for over 6 months, it's probably time to throw everything out and start over. Your skin will thank you for it!

    • The only exception to this is brushes—these can be cleaned, not thrown away. Pick up an antibacterial makeup brush cleaning formula at the drugstore and, once a month or so, spritz everything down right after you finish your morning routine. Leave the brushes out to air dry throughout the day and overnight.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Aim to put down 6 to 8 full glasses of water a day, and you'll notice a difference in your skin. The extra fluid makes it easier for you to flush out toxins and waste
  6. Sleep smart. You might be getting dirt and oil on your face while you're sleeping without even realizing it. Try these tricks to minimize your risk:

    • Change out your pillowcase at least once a week. Your pillowcase collects dust, saliva, and other grime, which make it onto your face every time you sleep. Put your pillowcases through the wash or change them out regularly for best results.
    • Pull your hair back. Braid back long hair, and keep bangs or fly-aways out of your face with a headband. This way your hair won't irritate your face while you sleep.
  7. Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help your body and skin stay healthy. Exercising is a fantastic way to get rid of stress, to keep blood-flow pumping, and to ensure a good night's rest. 

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