Friday, 29 March 2013

Meet the Nigerian youths Behind Kim Kardashian’s Fake Tweet

A few Nigerians have traced the original tweet to him and his Twitter timeline is full of invectives from angry Nigerians who had initially fallen for the hoax.

It is also clear he is not repentant, as his TL is full of tweets savouring the global success of his latest hoax and boasts about what he will do when he gets his ‘black belt in Photoshop’. 

There are also loads of congratulatory tweets from pals, a few of whom are apparently awed by the global success of the hoax.

OMG.. What are the Nigerian Youths turning into... I just went through this guys tweets, and am shocked. And the people behind this, are Graphic designers...
God help us.
Some of his tweets after the cut

Lmaooooo RT @TheBlackHer***t: LMAOO RT @Tidij*: Lmao omg please. Gullible is not even the adjective to describe you guys anymore.

I hear it has gotten to BBM lol. I love you guys


Once I get my black belt at photoshop you niggas won't be able to tell what's real and what's not

One of his awed pals tweeted:

@*huckic**** bad-fucking-ass. My twitter idol!

Another tweeted:

gracias “@Sas**_Ij: RT @*anmust***: Man you a legend. RESPECT @*huckic****

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmm. what r their reasons for this?
